
An Introduction to the Lifestyle Analysis Process: Why the Maintenance Formula Doesn’t Always Work
In a divorce settlement, maintenance is the financial support one spouse may be required to pay the other. There are maintenance guidelines and a formula in place, but these don’t always capture the nuances and complexity of a couple’s situation. Look no further than the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of…
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Stern Mendez Attorneys to Present at Business Valuation, Financial & Tax Issues in Divorce 2024
Stern Mendez attorneys Joshua Stern, Marvin Mendez and Martin Sliwinski are honored to present at the upcoming Business Valuation, Financial & Tax Issues in Divorce 2024: The Business of Working with Other Divorce Professionals and Attorneys. Taking place on January 15, 2024, this annual program is hosted by the Illinois Institute…
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How do I appeal my divorce?
Not all divorce rulings are final. If you feel the judge who presided over your case made a mistake in their decision, misapplied the law or abused their discretion, you may have grounds to appeal your case. The appeal process applies to all civil cases, including divorce and parentage. Cases…
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Stern Mendez Now Offers Appellate Services
At Stern Mendez, we’re continuously evolving to expand our reach and best meet the needs of our clients. This means steadily growing both our team and our services. We’re excited to announce that we now offer appellate services—ensuring we can fully serve clients seeking to appeal their trial court outcomes….
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