Child Support

How to Enforce Child Support and Miscellaneous Expenses When The Other Spouse Refuses to Pay
We like to think it will never happen, but sometimes spouses who are obligated to pay child support or cover some of their children’s expenses fail to fulfill their obligations. When that happens, you tell yourself that it isn’t possible, that he or she is a parent and wouldn’t abandon…
Read MoreDo Divorced Parents Have To Pay For Their Children’s Off-Campus Housing?
The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA) requires parents to contribute to their children’s college education expenses. We’ve gone over this in some length, but you can find a refresher here on how (and why) divorced parents have to pay for their children’s college. During the application process,…
Read MoreCan I Make My Parents Pay For My College?
The short answer is no. There are laws that require divorced parents to contribute to a child’s college tuition expenses, but that doesn’t mean that a child can sue his or her parents to pay. There are no laws that require married parents (those without a case in domestic relations…
Read MoreDo Divorced Parents Have To Pay For College Tuition?
Do divorced parents have to contribute to their children’s college tuition and fees? The short answer is usually. 750 ILCS 5/513, entitled “Educational Expenses For A Non-Minor Child” permits courts to order parents to contribute. In most instances, the domestic relations court will order some contribution from each parent. Fortunately,…
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