Divorce & Family Law

College (and Post-High School Education) Expenses: When Should I File for Contribution?
By Amy Silberstein Pursuant to Section 513 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (“IMDMA”), a court may “award sums of money out of the property and income of either or both parties or the estate of a deceased parent, as equity may require, for the educational expenses…
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Do Children Have A Say In Parenting Schedules?
By Evan Compton Parents want their children to feel empowered to make decisions and to feel autonomous in their lives. So when two parents are divorcing, it should be a no-brainer that the child should have a say in who they spend more time with, right? Well, the answer to…
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What Role Do Divorce Lawyers Play In Mediation?
By Joshua E. Stern I’m a big believer in mediation for divorce and family law issues. When mediation works, the benefits are readily apparent. Mediation is confidential, non-evidentiary, and has the potential to reduce conflict in a divorce. It helps families transition into new relationships in a safe and collaborative…
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Should I Return My Engagement Ring?
By Evan Compton Picture the movie breakup where the once soon-to-be-wife slowly and dramatically hands over the engagement ring, thus, dashing the dreams of happily-ever-after. Except we all know real life rarely reflects the movies. In real life, whether it’s yourself or your ex, no one may think about the…
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How To Prepare For Divorce
By Joshua E. Stern Divorce is unique in that it is both a seismic life event and one that comes with few reference points. Many people do not personally know someone who has been divorced and never expected to be in the situation they now find themselves in. The internet…
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