Legal Process

How Long Will Illinois Courts Be on Zoom?

By Martin Sliwinski, Divorce and Family Law Attorney The Court’s use of Zoom reached the public eye in the past year—and not always for the right reasons. In February, an attorney appeared on Zoom with a filter that turned his entire face into a cat, causing him to famously proclaim…

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Child Relocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Marvin Mendez, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased remote work possibilities, we’ve seen a much higher volume of child relocation cases come through our office. The unique circumstances caused by the pandemic have led parents to seek lower cost of living,…

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How Does My Spouse Cheating On Me Affect My Divorce?

By Martin Sliwinski, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Despite the emotional turmoil and the profound betrayal associated with a spouse cheating on another spouse, Illinois law does not consider cheating as grounds for divorce. Infidelity cannot be used as a factor in the calculation of maintenance (formerly known as spousal…

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How do I fill out a financial affidavit properly?

By Evan Compton, Divorce and Family Law Attorney In nearly every domestic relations case that involves financials, one form exists to rule them all: the financial affidavit. Maybe your attorney has just handed this blank document to you, or the Judge has just ordered the parties to complete them. Either…

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