
An Introduction to the Lifestyle Analysis Process: Why the Maintenance Formula Doesn’t Always Work
In a divorce settlement, maintenance is the financial support one spouse may be required to pay the other. There are maintenance guidelines and a formula in place, but these don’t always capture the nuances and complexity of a couple’s situation. Look no further than the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of…
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Maintenance, Child Support and Cash-based Businesses
By Martin Sliwinski, Divorce and Family Law Attorney When getting divorced, it’s normal to have many questions about dividing assets, figuring out child support and determining spousal maintenance. If your former spouse has a higher income and earns it through a cash-based business, all of this can be slightly more…
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How does a recession impact divorce and child support?
By Marvin Mendez, Divorce and Family Law Attorney With the looming recession, more and more clients are calling us concerned about what will happen if they or their former spouse loses their job in the next few months. While we’re hopeful that not as many people will face unemployment as…
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How is Maintenance and Child Support Calculated in Variable-income Families?
By Joshua E. Stern, Divorce and Family Law Attorney In any marriage, financial earnings are almost never equal. And in divorce, the higher-earning spouse may worry about paying too much support to their spouse, while the lower-earning spouse may have concerns about providing for their child. When you work with…
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How does my 401(k) get split in divorce?
By Joshua Stern, Divorce and Family Law Attorney When dissolving a marriage, dividing your retirement account is one of the many financial decisions you and your spouse will make. Like other wealth and assets, your 401(k) is marital property and will be split during your divorce. While it can be…
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