
An Introduction to the Lifestyle Analysis Process: Why the Maintenance Formula Doesn’t Always Work
In a divorce settlement, maintenance is the financial support one spouse may be required to pay the other. There are maintenance guidelines and a formula in place, but these don’t always capture the nuances and complexity of a couple’s situation. Look no further than the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of…
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How Are Pensions Split in Divorce?
All dissolution of marriage cases involve dividing your marital estate. The impact of that division may affect you for years to come. That’s why our Illinois divorce attorneys work diligently to consider every aspect of your financial profile—including pensions. Like other marital assets, pensions will be divided during divorce and…
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Abuse of Parenting Time
By Joshua E. Stern, Principal and Managing Partner, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Parenting time is one of the most, if not the most, important decisions you’ll make during the divorce process. At Stern Mendez, we focus on creating a plan that works well for you and your child. And,…
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How Do I Protect My Small Business in Divorce?
By Joshua E. Stern, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Dividing assets is often one of the most complex parts of dissolving a marriage—and if you own a small business, protecting it in divorce is likely top of mind. Depending on when you created your business and how you run it,…
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How does my 401(k) get split in divorce?
By Joshua Stern, Divorce and Family Law Attorney When dissolving a marriage, dividing your retirement account is one of the many financial decisions you and your spouse will make. Like other wealth and assets, your 401(k) is marital property and will be split during your divorce. While it can be…
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